Applicants News & Info

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The moment you decide to audition for a BFA in Acting, your college application process becomes different from your peers. You’ll have to do everything your classmates do and then some; undoubtedly, it will feel overwhelming. This article will walk you through all the essential requirements for your BFA application. We’ll also offer suggestions on […]

The best way to find monologues is by seeing more theater. However, with time, cost, and geographic constraints, that may not be accessible to every actor. Reading plays is just as helpful! Here are some places to find and discover plays and thus new monologues! Keep up with theatrical publishing companies and their new publications. […]

Before you sit down to find monologues, it is important to familiarize yourself with what kinds of characters and narratives resonate with you as well as identify character qualities you embody well onstage. Having an awareness of the types of work you resonate with is the first step to knowing yourself well as an artist. […]

These days, self-taping is more than a neat skill; it is a necessary one. Whether it be filming material for your website, submitting a virtual tape, participating in virtual callbacks, or filming at-home user generated content for a parallel career, a strong understanding of how to self-tape aids an actor immensely in their career. From […]

The personal statement is often the most elusive material needed for the MFA in Acting application process. For years, you have discovered how to select monologues and songs, format your resume, and even smile for the headshot. So, what exactly does this personal statement need? DEFINITION Let’s start with what the personal statement is. For […]

Outside of your audition material, the headshot and resume duo are the most important things to prepare for any audition. You plan ahead for a trip by booking your ticket, ensuring your passport is up-to-date, and finally packing your bags; the same goes for an audition! Whether it’s for a show or a higher education […]

The classical monologue for the longest time seemed to only mean a Shakespearean selection, leaving the actor with the same few choices as those before them. “Should I do Hamlet, Beatrice, or Lear?” With a limited canon to select from, your monologue choices may feel a bit claustrophobic. You may also find yourself struggling to […]

Looking for a monologue… again? Whether you’ve aged out of your old ones or are simply looking for something new, finding monologues is one of the most repeated and yet most tiresome tasks for an actor. Having your finger on the pulse of the industry is important to help follow threads of work and actors […]

Hercules needed Philoctetes, Plato relied on Socrates’ expertise, and Rosalind arguably would not have landed Orlando without Celia’s willing assistance. History shows time and time again that mentors and collaborators help all kinds of processes, and the same is true for the MFA in Acting application and audition. Celia was friends with Rosalind for life, […]

Humans are made to be in connection with other people, and theater depends upon a relationship with the audience. It only follows that actors can thrive when in relationship, too. Whether applying and auditioning for acting in higher education or preparing for a big audition, connecting with a coach is crucial. 1. An acting coach […]

So you want to explore theater in higher education… Where the BFA in Acting offers the chance to explore theater at the higher level for the first time, the MFA in Acting furthers the ability to polish one’s craft. Like a pair of shoes, each MFA program fits slightly different, with its own style and […]

If you’ve already studied acting at an undergraduate level or simply spent time studying the craft elsewhere, you may be wondering… why would I need an MFA? What exactly can I do with that degree? Look no further than here! Act Professionally Most MFA in Acting programs are designed to increase your connectivity, refine your […]

If you’re hoping to be accepted to an MFA in Acting program, you’ll need to mind your U’s and R’s and T’s and A’s. The University Resident Theatre Association (URTAs) holds centralized audition events for graduate theatre programs across the U.S. and Europe to come together and audition numerous applicants all in the same place. […]

To be (in verse) or to not (be in verse), that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous tragedy, or to take comedy alongside a sea of gestures and by opposing, win them. Monologues are required by every MFA in Acting program audition, and choosing […]

If you’re hoping to attend a graduate program in acting, finances may be the first thing on your mind. Higher education across the board can be a costly but fulfilling experience for undergraduate and graduate students. For theater, a profession often greeted with “good luck making money with that,” finances can be a real stressor. […]

While the MFA can seem like a costly venture, Theater.Academy is willing to share a little affordability secret with you today. As your resident expert in the MFA in Acting, here are the top ten most affordable MFA in Acting programs. These programs do not cost to attend and pay for all tuition and living; […]

Deadlines can make you feel like you have all the time in the world and then, suddenly, no time at all. You want to get accepted in your dream MFA in Acting program, but you worry about planning ahead. With this guide, you are right on time to apply to your dream school! In order […]

When you pack for the beach, you know you need a swimsuit, clothes, sunglasses, sunscreen, and maybe even a book. When it comes to applying for the MFA in Acting, the necessities become a little less obvious. You may know how to select audition materials and act, but the idea of writing a personal statement […]

You may have heard that you shouldn’t consult popular monologue books or any website with a title like “Best Monologues for Teens” when you prepare for your BFA Acting program auditions. Don’t eat the divorce papers, ask the man in front of the tuna fish to move, or take the night flight to San Francisco. […]

The time has come to pick your college audition material. Between dozens of differing requirements and millions of monologues to choose from, it can be tough to feel like you’re making the right decision. After all, no monologue is perfect; every piece comes with its own set of perks and challenges. In addition to confirming […]

The college application process can be overwhelming, especially if you are applying for a BFA in Acting. Your high school counselors likely know a lot about applications for standard undergraduate programs, but unless you attend a school with a strong performing arts focus, they could be lost when it comes to the BFA audition process. […]

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